Department of Surgery

Dr. Vernissia Tam Wins Conference Awards


Congratulations to Vernissia Tam, MD, who recently presented and won awards at the following conferences:

  • Dr. Tam received the Peter Pairolero Award at the 30th Annual Meeting of the General Thoracic Surgical Club on March 9-12, 2017 in Clearwater FL. This award is given to a surgical resident with promise in a career in general thoracic surgery.
  • She also received the “Member for a Day Award” at the American Association for Thoracic Surgery (AATS) Annual Meeting on April 29th – May 3rd, 2017 in Boston MA. The AATS Member for a Day program provides surgical residents with promise in a career in cardiothoracic surgery an opportunity for to attend the annual meeting. The program is designed to offer insight into the cardiothoracic surgery specialty and to provide an opportunity to network and build relationships within the cardiothoracic surgical community. Awardees receive complimentary “all access” registration to the scientific sessions at the annual meeting, complimentary hotel accommodations, and stipends from to offset the cost of meals and travel for the meeting.